Blogger Life. Its all kinds of fun, stressful, rewarding, adventurous and occasionally aggravating! There are definitely some things that make this "job" of mine way easier... and I certainly can't imagine life without them! Oh Wait! I did live without some of them when I first started blogging! Oh … [Read more...]
Don’ts of Blog Photography
When it comes to successful blogs and the posts that they share, there is at least one major factor that they have in common... Awesome Photos! When it comes to the photos that you use on your blog there are some definite No-No's! So today we're talking all about the Don'ts of Blog … [Read more...]
Don’ts of Blogging {Part 2}
We've talked Do's & More Do's of blogging, and spent some time last week talking about some don'ts of blogging! I'm back to day with even more Don'ts of Blogging! 5 more Don'ts to be exact! #1. Don't Feed the Trolls. If you've been blogging for any length of time, chances are … [Read more...]
Do’s of Blogging {Part 2}
Last week we started talking about the Do's of Blogging. It was all about the basic things that bloggers, especially NEW bloggers need to know. Most of the things I shared were common sense and on the basic side of blogging know-how, This week its part 2 of the Do's of Blogging and we're taking the … [Read more...]
Do’s of Blogging {Part 1}
When it comes to blogging, there all kinds of things you should and should not do. If you've been blogging for a while, these Do's of Blogging will mostly be old news. If you're new to the world of blogging, these do's, along with a few tips and tricks ,will definitely be helpful! The Do's of … [Read more...]
Meet the Team
Hey Hey Hey! I've got some fabulous news for ya'll :) I've got some fantastic friends in the blogging community AND 4 of these incredible ladies are going to be hanging out here on BBJ on a regular basis :) I want you to meet Grace, Megan, Emily and Brenda! I'm so excited to have … [Read more...]
Its Called SOCIAL Media For a Reason
Have you noticed that once again the landscape of Social Media is changing? It might just be my perspective, but its seems that Social Media has become A LOT less social! With all of the amazing scheduling tools available to bloggers these days (Buffer, Hootsuite, CoSchedule, etc), it seems … [Read more...]
Summer Time and The Living is Easy
Its Summer Time! And the living is easy... sorta! Ever feel like you've got too much on your plate and you just need to take a step back? Thats kinda how I'm feeling this summer... Soooooooooooooo I'm cutting back just a little bit. Don't worry, I'm not giving up blogging, I'm just … [Read more...]
Blogging Standards & Why You Need To Set Them Now
Blogging Standards: Have you set some for your blog? for yourself as a blogger? Often us bloggers are asked what our goals are, what we hope to accomplish or what niche we fall into, but rarely do we talk about the things we're willing and UNwilling to do. And now that so many brands … [Read more...]
What to do when your blog makes you want to pull out your hair…
Have you ever spent hours working on a blog post? Pouring your heart out to your readers or creating a post with lots of links and great information... only to "save" it and have it disappear??? Ummmm.... yeah so that happened to me last night! I literally spent HOURS off and on yesterday … [Read more...]
My So Called Chaos Blogiversary Giveaway!
Angie has been blogging for 5, yes FIVE years!! So a bunch of us are helping her celebrate with an AWESOME giveaway! There are three blogging-related prize packs you can enter to win! Check it out! Prize Pack 1 includes all of the above for a value of roughly $423! Winner's … [Read more...]
12 Misconceptions About Bloggers – Part 2
On Tuesday I shared 6 common misconceptions about bloggers... so far it seems that all the bloggy peeps agree. Some of the comments I got on part 1 made me laugh out loud :) Husbands, In-Laws, Siblings, even complete strangers seem to be clueless about what we do! 7. We get "Free" stuff all the … [Read more...]