MY FOOD PHOTOS SUCK! What can I do??? Have you ever said that to yourself? Well my amazingly talented friend Joanne from Birch Bay Creatives and the blog The Salty Pot is here today to share some tips that will help you take your photography skills to the next level! First and foremost, I’d … [Read more...]
11 MORE Things You Can Do in 10 Minutes to Improve Your Blog
Yep! I'm back with even MORE things you can do in 10 minutes to improve your blog! Back in March I shared 10 things that only take 10(ish) minutes that you can do to grow and improve your blog. You know for those times where you want to accomplish something, but you don't have a whole lot of time. I … [Read more...]
Free Blog Planning and Goal Setting Printables!
Is one of your goals or resolutions for 2016 to be more organized with your blogging? Mine too!! Are you looking for some work sheets that can help you pinpoint and identify the areas you want to focus on and grow? These Free Blog Planning and Goal Setting Printables will help! They say a … [Read more...]
Don’ts of Blogging {Part 2}
We've talked Do's & More Do's of blogging, and spent some time last week talking about some don'ts of blogging! I'm back to day with even more Don'ts of Blogging! 5 more Don'ts to be exact! #1. Don't Feed the Trolls. If you've been blogging for any length of time, chances are … [Read more...]
Its Called SOCIAL Media For a Reason
Have you noticed that once again the landscape of Social Media is changing? It might just be my perspective, but its seems that Social Media has become A LOT less social! With all of the amazing scheduling tools available to bloggers these days (Buffer, Hootsuite, CoSchedule, etc), it seems … [Read more...]