So the past few weeks haven't been ALL that productive. I kinda lost momentum after August's market weekend. Ya know... since it was my birthday week. I figured being lazy was allowed :) This week has been much better :) I spent several hours with my friend Shelli and her long arm quilting … [Read more...]
June’s Market Weekend
Oh what a weekend! I know I say that almost every Monday after a market weekend, but there is always something about these "action packed" weekends that makes me a little bit crazy! May's Market weekend and the week leading it up to it were full of intense making, this weekend started off full of … [Read more...]
Works in Progress
The past few days have been, and the next few days are going to be INSANE!! Its totally last minute, but my friend Shelli and I decided to get a booth at a fair in Granbury this weekend! There are supposed to be around 10,000 people at this Fair in honor of General Granbury... So you can just … [Read more...]
Wordless Friday?
Cause I've got wayyyyyy too much to do... SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! … [Read more...]
Oh What a Weekend!
Well. Now that I've somewhat recovered from this past market weekend, I thought I'd share some of what I saw, discovered and sold! :) As usual I got most of the setting up done on Friday afternoon. It makes Saturday morning go so much smoother and allows me to sleep an extra 15 -30 minutes. … [Read more...]
Works in Progress
Its been a couple of weeks since I've done a WIP post... things have been just a little (ok a LOT!) nutty around here lately... but I'm trying to stay on track with my production goals and get lots of stuff ready for markets, plus ready-to-ship stuff made and IN the shop!I have a feeling this level … [Read more...]
Works in Progress
I haven't been feeling all that well lately... so I haven't been super productive. Which is a bit of a problem since the September market is less than 10 days away... I have TONS of ideas and a million things to do... but no energy to do them. Ugh. Here's a few things I have been working … [Read more...]
The Market Weekend!
Well folks, let me tell you, it was a crazy, busy weekend! But I had a TON of fun! And that makes all the late nights and early mornings worth it :) Saturday and Sunday were looooonnnggggg days, but I had pretty good results. Despite some craziness with figuring out how I was going to set up and … [Read more...]