We are living in a world where self-care can seem like a very expensive solution. Navigating the costs of looking after yourself can be enough to bankrupt someone financially, not least emotionally, which is why we should dig deeper and address the roots of self-doubt. It is normal to experience it when we face new or challenging situations and are characterized by uncertainty about ourselves.
Doubt is one of those thoughts that will always chip away at us, what does it take to remove the notion of self-doubt?
Pinpointing the Root Cause
The human brain is an amazing thing because it can snowball one split-second thought into a cascade of emotions that can overwhelm us and impact how we think about ourselves. Many people can have feelings of inadequacy because of aesthetic issues like misaligned teeth.
There are solutions to aesthetic concerns, whether it’s clear aligners for crooked teeth or plastic surgery, but pinpointing the root cause is essential because it allows us to confront this face-on and determine if we are putting the cart before the horse.
Finding the root cause and realigning your perspective will not completely remove these notions overnight, but when you understand what is causing you to think like this, you can start to recognize if this is truly worth obsessing over.
Your Abilities Are More Than Your Doubts
We experience doubt when we encounter new situations. If we were to pay attention to the one thing that we can’t do over the million things we can, this is when we have to start eroding those common notions of self-care and self-compassion.
It’s easier said than done, but this is why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a wonderful tool to help you turn the tides.
Self-CBT solutions like Mood Gym can be a wonderful way to get yourself started. For example, by noting how many times a day you experience a negative thought or feeling of self-doubt. When you see on a piece of paper just how many times you’ve had a negative thought about yourself, you’ve got a foundation to build upon, for example, by challenging yourself to have one less negative thought the next day.
You Are Your Harshest Critic
We would not talk about a friend the way we would talk about ourselves. When we realize that we will always be our harshest critic, it’s a nice little reminder to take our foot off the gas and practice the same compassion and kindness we have for others.
When we are critical of ourselves, we feel it’s justified because it’s us and no one else is getting hurt, but if you were to talk about others like this, you would be accused of being a bully. So instead of using all that negativity and bile to fuel your thoughts, remember it can be undone.
We all have moments of doubt, but we need to remember that while there is something negative eating away at us, there are a million other positives. Whenever you feel those shreds of doubt, remember, there is a solution.
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