Galentine's Day, initially made famous by the television series Parks and Recreation, takes place every February 13. Meant to celebrate the importance of female friendships, it's an occasion that's often marked by lively brunches and gift exchanges with your BFFs. But in 2021, concerns about … [Read more...]
For Your Galentine {shop small}
Hey Galentine, Hey!! I've said it before, I can pretty much garuntee that I'll say it again, Valentine's is one of my favorite days! For so many reasons, and most of them have nothing to do with lovey-dovey romantic stuff. I think I love it so much becuase its an opportunity to celebrate … [Read more...]
Heart Mug Rug and Coffee Cozy Gift for my Galentines
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SendingMyLove #CollectiveBias Let me tell you friends, I would be lost with out my fellow boss girls! I have an incredible tribe of amazing women that I owe a good chunk of my sanity too! … [Read more...]