What a crazy couple weeks! Non stop prep for Second Monday Trade Days, then an unintentional week off when the hubs was unexpectedly home due to his truck being broke down. He's back to work and so am I! Here's what I'm working on for the next round of markets and holiday … [Read more...]
Homespun Happiness Hats!!!
Its time! The day is Finally Here! Its Homespun Happiness Hats time!!! I've spent a LOT of time crocheting over the past few months. Lots and Lots and Lots of time! Fortunately I Love this part of my handmade business :) I've added a couple new styles since last year too! Are you … [Read more...]
Works In Progress
To say I am lacking in motivation this week, would be a major understatement. I fell like I used up all my creativity and energy in the past 2 weeks of intense making for the market. I really need to catch up on some sleep. In fact I am seriously thinking of going to bed as soon as I hit publish on … [Read more...]
Awesome Sauce and a Sweet Deal!
Am I the only one that forgets just how flipping busy the Holiday season is? I mean seriously, I look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas soooo much and then once that season is here, I start looking forward to January... only because I want a day of laziness. BUT instead of lying around all … [Read more...]