There are few flavor combinations I love as much as chocolate and peppermint! Add in a little sugary sweet vanilla from a marshmallow or two, and you've got a serious contender for the tastiest thing thats ever passed your lips! These Peppermint Smore Cookies are oooey, gooey and all kinds of … [Read more...]
Red Velvet Cookies
Wanna hear something crazy? I had never tried Red Velvet Cake until I moved to Texas! Nuts right? my hubby me introduced me to the wondrous thing that is red velvet and I've been hooked ever since! And I don't just limit myself to cake either, Red Velvet Cookies are my newest … [Read more...]
Practically Perfect Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies
When your husband has been sick for almost 2 weeks, and asks for his favorite Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies, you say YES and get to baking! I mean, really, any excuse will do for these little bits of perfectness :D And they really don't make that much time to make! They look Yummy … [Read more...]