Its Just Another Day in Paradise… aka a typical day in the life of yours truly!! Keep Moving Forward With Me is the clever girl behind this fun idea! 25+ Bloggers are taking pictures and sharing a glimpse behind the scenes. You get a fun look at our daily lives and the things we do to keep these pretty blogs of ours running 🙂
I fell into a couple of categories for this fun Blog Hop, but I decided to go with Crafty/DIY Blogger, since thats good chunk of what I do around here… along with blogging tips/advice, recipes, healthy living, books and Handmade Shop stuff 🙂
Without further ado… a day in the life of me! The Blonde Mind behind Busy Being Jennifer!
Every day starts off pretty much the same… Up between 7 and 7:30, Get dressed, make coffee, write out the to do list and check on social media. THis usually takes the first hour and a half to two hours, depending on the day. I’m a little list obsessed and if I don’t have my to do list planned and written out, I get a little lost! Plus the little check marks I give myself at the end of a task gives me a little thrill 😀
So I started this whole #hellohealthyjennifer thing… its hasn’t been easy, but I’m sticking to it, even on the days I don’t want too. Then of course, I get a great reminder of why I’m pushing myself right as I get to the gym.
After the gym, its time for lunch and some studio tidying – it was a mess!! A quick tidy and it was time to get to work! This past Second Monday Market wiped me out of Mini Patchy Bears and Ouchie Owls!
I’m planning on adding a new larger sized basic zip to the shop soon and this is one of the fun new fabrics that will be available! I’m also working on some awesome makeup bags and hopefully *fingers crossed* cross body bags!
Part of the fruits of an afternoon of playing with fabric and sewing 🙂 Once the pictures are edited these goodies will get added to the shop. Hopefully by Thursday at the latest. And can I just say, Man! do I love what I get to do! There is nothing like getting to be creative full time and being able to support your family.
After dinner its time for a walk! I’m trying to make a 30 minute walk with the pups happen at least once a day. With the weather being so perfect right now, later afternoon/early evening is ideal. And Bitly LOVES it! For only being to this park once before, and not having that much experience being walked on a leash, she did really, really well! I need to invest in a retractable leash, but for now this training leash woks just fine.
Part of the path at the park takes us past a pasture full of cattle. This was the first time one was close enough to snap a cool pic. I love these random things about living in Texas! I’ve got 2 horses in my backyard, cows at the park, and all kinds of awesome opportunities for the most beautiful pictures!
Once the sun goes down and the chores are done, its time to get back to work! I’ve been putting off editing for a week or two. Its my least favorite part of photography and blogging, but alas its something that must be done. Not to mention that my Mom has been asking for the pics I took while she was here last week. :S Opps. Sorry Mom!
My favorite way to unwind at the end of the day? What ever stitching project I have on the go, a warm snuggly puppy and a couple episodes of whatever series I’m watching on Netflix.
Its been a typical, uneventful, busy, perfect kind of day. Sometimes I think that my life is boring… but then I remember there is nothing wrong with a so called boring life… if its full of the people that you love and you do the things that you’re passionate about!
And that, my friends, wraps up just another day in paradise!
Stacie says
Wow, you are one busy person!! I spend so much of my days on the computer. Blogging really does take up a lot of time, especially with keeping up with all of the social media that goes with it. Thanks so much for sharing your day!! Stacie xo
julieiscocoandcocoa says
Love the peek into another craft bloggers day! I need to do better about the getting to the gym part of my day.
Christina says
I use a list, too, for the same reason. I'll end up binge watching something on Netflix if I don't stay focused.
Melissa D says
SO fun to see. I have two little "helpers" all day long, so it's crazy to imagine what a blogging day might look like sans kids. Naptime is my most productive two hours of the day!
Jennifer says
A day in the life was perfect! Thank you for giving me a peek. What a great way to show the world and yourself how good being productive feels. I love for the cow seems to be posing for you!