I love a good makeover project! This upcycled can planter project is no exception. I shopped my craft room and got creative making my new succulent a pretty and colorful home!
I’m a sucker for cute plants. Doesn’t matter what sort of store I am at, I seem to have an adorable plant radar. I rarely give in… with little miss Presley ruling the roost, plants rarely stand a fighting chance. But this time, I couldn’t resist this succulent!
It just HAD to come live with me… and that meant that it needed a new, larger planter to call its own! I shopped my saved cans, grabbed a few things from the craft room and got creative!
Want create your own upcycled can planter? Here’s what you’ll need…
Upcycled Can Planter Supplies:
Maxwell House coffee can
Potting soil
White spray paint
Rainbow colored pipe cleaners
Hot glue/hot glue gun
Cardboard box
Upcycled Can Planter Directions:
1. In a well ventilated area, like outside. Place your empty coffee can in an open box or on a piece of cardboard.
2. Spray your can white, let dry, spray again with a second coat and let dry.
3. Fill your can 3/4 way with soil and loosen the soil of your potted succulent.
4. Place the succulent on top of the soil in the can and use a spoon to fill the areas around the plant.
5. Carefully glue a pipe cleaner around the bottom of the white can. If the pipe cleaner isn’t long enough, cut an extra piece to fit in the space and glue.
6. Repeat step 5 with about 5 different colored pipe cleaner, each one above the last.
7. Water and put somewhere warmish with moderate sunlight 🙂
This quick and easy diy project can be done in less than an hour (give or take a few minutes depending on how fast the spray paint dries) and is perfect for a fun weekend project or evening project.
This little guy and his new upcycled can planter home is living in my kitchen window. Mostly safe from the cat… I’ve caught her eyeballing the new addition, but fingers crossed, that it’ll stay that way!
Slowly but surely I’m turning into a want-to-be plant lady! One day, when I have a proper cat-free office/studio, I’ll turn into a full blown plant lady! Here’s hoping that happens sooner than later!
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